Mascagni's most famous #opera, #CavalieraRusticana, might never have seen the light of day if his wife hadn't submitted it in that competition it eventually won (under her name, competing with Pietro's submission). Lucky for us...he might have gotten discouraged and taken up a different trade. His other operas are unfortunately not performed very often. I'm in love with "Lodoletta" at the moment, and the score under his picture is from "Thais." "Herodias" is on my turntable. You see, I immerse myself in someone's works when I am sculpting them, so that at least, if I don't get a likeness, it's got the right FEELINGS behind it! I think this is a pretty good likeness, however. You can pull up pictures of him on Google to check this out, like I did. HE STANDS 8.5" tall
There are two identical casts with different nameplates. If you purchase him, I'll ask you which version you prefer, though there's really no other difference.